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Affordable SEO & Social Media 
Social Media Integration and Management
Many business owners think (or thought) that spending all day on Facebook and tweeting out some info now and then is enough to generate some social signals. "What's a social signal you ask?" Don't worry, it doesn't matter as much as you think it does.What does matter when it comes to being social is your approach, your expectations,developing social media priorities and flexibility. What's that mean?

Being socially engaged is a must. Marketing is really just a numbers game after all and you must connect with others using the free social sites that are provided. But are they doing anything at all for your ranking? Many Tampa small business owners think that if they get enough Facebook likes it counts for everything.The recent buzz is that Facebook likes do not count as much or at all even if they are public likes.

Knowing how to use social signals to your benefit, understanding what is worth your time and what's a time waster, can make all the difference in your overall marketing goals. Amidst the hype, we've maintained that social media can be overrated and misused. Those small businesses who choose to use Facebook in place of an actual business website have learned hard lessons. I've noticed far too few are using Google circles or Google+ or Google+ Authorship for instance. Is it because people have gotten sick of being social?

The purpose of being social  was to engage with others online, to find interesting subject matter to share, to connect with consumers. If you need help evaluating and managing your social media accounts  while provide affordable social media marketing and management services that work best for your Tampa or Florida business.


Congratulations. You've finally reached those "gazillion" likes on Facebook. You've also just noticed that your kids have graduated from college, your cat is missing and your website has been down for days. You would Tweet out the this news using a creative #tag but it seems your account has been compromised.

Your Digital Footprint

Managing all of your social media accounts probably seemed fun at first...Until you realized how much time it takes--- and took managing just one of them. Your digital footprint is just another important aspect of SEO and marketing your business.

Let us help you get the most from your social signals. To learn more about our SEO or social media management services, call us today at (813) 778-9548, email us or fill out our contact form.


Best Practices for SEO

  • We follow Google's Best Practices and add our expert SEO services that have been proven successful.
  • Get services as you need them.
    No contract SEO services. We do not require contracts but we provide a $30 discount on a quarterly commitment.
  • Google Recommends White Hat, Ethical SEO that is Geared Towards Organic Ranking. That's Us.
  • Fresh content and service for humans and search engines, by humans.
  • There's Value in Google+ Authoring
  • Full Service Marketing and Design
    If you choose direct marketing to enhance your traffic, we've got what you need.

Search Engine Optimization - Time consuming process of marketing your website to obtain a higher ranking on the search engines with Google, Bing & Yahoo being the key players.

Website Marketing - Marketing your website should not be limited to search engine optimization. Social media marketing to drive traffic and show relevance is a must, but traditional marketing is also called for. We can do that and you make one call.

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